Archive for the dogs Category


Still Walking. With my very cool dog bag.

After a non-stress test last week, my doctor declared that I am officially full term and that if I go into labor in the coming week, then, I go into labor. I raced home and told Wolf, “I think we better put the crib together…” It’s up and just needs a mattress and sheets and [...]


Blue Dachshund Cookie is now a Painting.

Finally, I finished the Blue Dachshund painting. I followed the original cookie design pretty closely, although in this version, the doggie is a bit chubbier. Or as I like to think, healthier.
I have one more cookie I’d like to transform into a painting, either the Cool Dude or the Bulldog.
Suggestions are welcome!


Another cookie, another painting in the works.

Normally I paint outside because I prefer working in natural light, but it has been so hot here in southern California that I decided to bring everything inside. The Santa Ana winds, seasonal winds that blow from the east to the west, have been moving through town and it is hot, hot, hot here. I [...]


Cookie Becomes a Painting

Remember this guy? I jokingly call him “Top Dawg.” About two years ago, someone sent me a photo of a baby German Shepherd, one of my favorite breeds, and I couldn’t resist transforming him into a cookie design.
As I mentioned previously, my baking activities are slowing down. That doesn’t mean the cookies are far from [...]


Monday Cookies: Hey Bulldog!

Just before Valentine’s Day, I mentioned that one of my goals this year is to move some of my cookie designs to other formats, like paper and fabric. This bulldog, who you might recognize from my main site’s banner, is the first attempt. He was lovingly replicated using Adobe Illustrator, a not very friendly program, [...]


A Malamute’s Point of View on Sarah Palin and pit bulls.

Hey there. It’s me, Nunuk. I think you’ve seen me here a few times. Don’t remember? With these good looks, how could you forget?
Mari gave me permission to paw the keyboard today, which is nearly as sweet as gnawing on a knuckle bone. Sure beats watching a political convention. I watched both conventions. Big [...]