Archive for the Sewing Category


Still Walking. With my very cool dog bag.

After a non-stress test last week, my doctor declared that I am officially full term and that if I go into labor in the coming week, then, I go into labor. I raced home and told Wolf, “I think we better put the crib together…” It’s up and just needs a mattress and sheets and [...]


Etsy Link Back Up

I’ve been accused of skipping over important details every now and then. I thought when I mentioned my Etsy store recently that the link to the store was in my sidebar and working, so when people asked me where the link was, I was a tad confused. But look, it’s back up! Look, to the [...]


It’s not the load that breaks you down.

It’s the way you carry it. ~Lena Horne.
Well, if anyone knows, I mean really knows the meaning of that, it’s Lena Horne. Please don’t tell me you don’t know who Lena Horne is. I might just punch you in the eye. (And then feel really badly that I gave you shiner).
I made a similar bag [...]