Archive for September 2009


Greg Norman. And Kobe Beef. A Natural Combo.

What on earth is “The Great White Shark” doing on a box of beef patties?
I had a nice little chuckle when I first saw this. Our favorite butcher, who stocks things like elk meat and buffalo burgers, as well as an interesting array of fowl and bird meats, recommended these Greg Norman patties. Greg Norman. [...]


Another cookie, another painting in the works.

Normally I paint outside because I prefer working in natural light, but it has been so hot here in southern California that I decided to bring everything inside. The Santa Ana winds, seasonal winds that blow from the east to the west, have been moving through town and it is hot, hot, hot here. I [...]


Cookie Becomes a Painting

Remember this guy? I jokingly call him “Top Dawg.” About two years ago, someone sent me a photo of a baby German Shepherd, one of my favorite breeds, and I couldn’t resist transforming him into a cookie design.
As I mentioned previously, my baking activities are slowing down. That doesn’t mean the cookies are far from [...]